The nursery period is of great importance in the development of the child’s mind and social relations, as it is the first stage in which he will move away from the mother and deal with people he does not know, so how is it possible to prepare the child for the nursery stage? Details are in the following:

Steps to prepare a child for Preliminary
The appropriate age for a child to go to nursery school is 3 years, so it is easy to rehabilitate and absorb the idea of separation from the mother a little, and it is the appropriate stage for receiving information and developing skills. In order to prepare the child for the nursery stage, you, as a mother, must follow the following guidelines:

Take the child a little further away from you
In some cases, the child stays with his mother always and is never separated from her, and this makes it difficult to persuade the child to go to the nursery; Therefore, the mother should try to make her son entrust the grandmother or aunt, and start with a little time and then increase little by little, until the child gets used to being away from his mother a little, but he is assured that he is with someone he knows.
When you do this step, you should ask the person who will be sitting with your child to play with him and take care of him a lot; Let the child feel that not having his mother with him is not as scary as he thinks it is, but it can be fun.

Talk persuasively to your child
Long before entering the nursery, you must talk to your child that there is a beautiful place with children, toys and people to take care of them, but it is not permissible for mothers to be there, but children with supervisors who sing and have fun with them, so that the child is eager to go to this place.
Try to get your child to ask you this by himself, because you talk about him a lot, as this is one of the steps in preparing the child for the very important stage of nursery school.
The child must feel that all the children in that place are happy, and that their mothers leave them to play and enjoy their time, and after a while the mothers return to take their children from this place.

Visit the nursery with your child
Visiting the nursery with your child is not to leave your child there, but to make him check the place, and you must first talk to the nursery supervisor and how you can take care of your child during this visit and make him love the nursery so much that you are with him and reassure him, but let him move and go to play away if he wants.
The supervisor should also talk to him and ask him some questions about what he has already learned; To measure the extent of his response to interacting with her, and in all cases, you should praise him and tell him that he is a beautiful and special child.
Whenever the child asks you to leave the place, fulfill his request, he may feel some tension and you should not pressure him, but if he asks you to sit for more time, respond to him and wait until he asks, all this time makes the child get used to the place and familiar with it.

Buying a gift for your child
Buying a gift for your child is a good step to prepare the child for the nursery stage, as after leaving the nursery on the first visit, tell your child that you are happy with him, because he was able to respond to the supervisor, and no one was bothered in the place, and for this you will reward him by buying what he wants, whether a toy, candy or Other.
This will make the child associate his going to this place with your reward, of course this will not become a daily routine later on, but during the first period it is preferable that the mother presents her child with incentive rewards, such as simple toys or sweets that he loves.

Get to know your child's first impressions
After returning home, you should talk to your child again, to know his opinion, reactions and feelings about the place, and reassure him if he has some fear and tension, you should listen to his point of view, if he is enthusiastic and supportive of the idea, increase this enthusiasm, but if you find him worried, you should Embrace and reassure him, and you can accompany him on another visit to the place to better prepare the child for the nursery stage.

Accompanying your child in the first days of nursery
After the child enters the first day, you must accompany him and sit with him for a long time, and make him enter and exit to find you sitting in the place, and do not leave him until you are sure that he is reassured. This doesn't mean that he won't cry, he will definitely feel scared and ask the supervisor about you, but when you talk to him and tell him that you are buying him a new toy he will calm down and wait, until he gets used to the place with time.
Make the moment of farewell full of love, containment and hugs. The child in these moments needs such feelings. Smile in his face and say words of praise to him that he loves. At the same time, do not prolong the farewell moments in a way that makes the child not accept entering the nursery.
You should be in contact with the supervisor to reassure your child and advise her to act according to his personality. If she tells you that your child cries a lot, do not delay him, but if he is calm and distracted in playing, wait until he asks about you.

Dealing wisely with your child after returning from nursery school
The last advice to prepare the child for the nursery stage is concerned with what comes after returning from the nursery. Here you must deal with your child calmly and with love and do not increase his tension. Rather, embrace him, reward him and motivate him for this important step in his life, and talk to him about the supervisor and the children and that they loved him very much.
Also, try to get your child to tell you what happened to him, and leave him to talk without interrupting him to get everything inside him, and if there are any concerns about something, talk to him often until you erase any anxiety he feels.
Over time, your child will love the nursery if you choose the right place, and will even ask you to go there himself, especially after making friends.